xManager (Spotify) v1.4

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xManager (Spotify) / Description

An android application where you can manage and install all modified versions of the spotify app.
A simple yet very useful manager app for everyone's convenience.
Developed byxC3FFF0E
•Upgrade or Downgrade Anytime & Anywhere
•Manager Tools (Uninstall, Open Settings, Clean Cached Datas & Launch App)
•Able to Hide Navigation Bar
•Neat & Slick Minimalist UI
•Swipe Down to Refresh
•Lightweight Manager
•Theme Selector
•Easy to Use

xManager (Spotify) / What's New in v1.4

Developed by: xC3FFF0E


Changelogs: v1.4

•Changed Manager's Icon (Third time. People demanded for it. Why not?)
•Added 'Directory' on Download Complete
•Added Clear Files Directory Info (Settings)
•Fixed List View (Unable to select any version)
•Fixed Download Issue (Unable to download any version - occured in v1.3 Hot Fixed)
•Fixed Force Auto-Install Switch (State not saving after closing and opening the manager)
•Fixed Copy URL Mode Switch (State not saving after closing and opening the manager)
•Fixed Force Auto-Install & UM Switch Bug (Disallow activating both at the same time)
•Fixed Download Dialog Bug (Not closing properly after 100%)
•Improved Clear Directory Folders (Will now delete the manager's directory folders, all downloaded apks and updates)
•Adjusted Back Pressed Timer to 3 Seconds (1 second before)
•Adjusted Reset Settings Button Layout
•Adjusted Contributors Text Layout
•Adjusted List View Data Strings
•Adjusted Device CPU Strings
•More Bugs Fixed (Or did I?)
This app has no advertisements

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